Why Storyboard for Embedded GUI Development?

Storyboard unlocks powerful GUI development with the benefits of low coding

With its parallel development architecture, Crank's Storyboard enables front and back-end development to occur at the same time, speeding up the process of creating exceptional UI applications.

Hence, making the process of developing and testing engaging GUI applications more efficient for project teams.  


Shorten the development time of your embedded GUI applications

Get to market faster and do not lose valuable development time trying to recreate the design teams vision

Reduce the costs of developing GUI applications

Optimize your development process by minimizing iteration cycles and adding functions via clicks (and not code), saving time, effort, and ultimately costs

Ensure your GUI applications look and perform as intended

Directly importing design files ensures the UI/UX designer’s vision is the same as the final GUI application

Make GUI testing an intrinsic part of the development process

Enhance user satisfaction by delivering a flawless product through thorough testing, leading to increased sales


Collaborative and parallel workflow without code disruption
  • With a distinct separation between front-end design and back-end logic environments, developers and designers can collaboratively work together to develop, enhance, and test the application at the same time, without disrupting each other's process.
  • Our unique parallel workflows eliminates the reluctance that used to come with design iteration.
  • Now, product teams can work on optimizing the end-UX more effectively because design changes don't delay or break development work.


Create GUI designs in a familiar framework
  • With Storyboard, you're able to create all of your graphics in the most popular graphic and UI/UX design tools that design teams already know and love like Figma, PhotoshopIllustrator and Sketch.
  • When they're ready, simply import them directly into Storyboard where they become the foundation of the GUI application, saving on development time.
  • Re-import changed design files directly back into Storyboard without losing functionality.
  • The unique, parallel workflow environment of Storyboard allows designers to focus on creating their UI graphics, while developers work on the code and overall system.
Make GUI application testing part of your development workflow
  • Integrated within the Storyboard IDE helps streamline the overall GUI development process.
  • Tests developed for one project can be leveraged for other projects and hardware platform.
  • Generate reports to share with the project team on the status of the UI performance
  • Incorporate test runs into a system that runs independently or regularly without the need for a manual trigger.
Never start from scratch with supported platforms
  • With its unique decoupled architecture, Storyboard-built GUI applications can move seamlessly between a wide range of hardware platforms, from MCUs to MPUs.
  • With Storyboard, you have a choice when it comes to selecting the UI-based OS that is best suited for your embedded project including -  QNX, FreeRTOS, Integrity, iTron, MQX, Segger, ThreadX, μClinux, µC/OS-II, µC/OS-III, VX Works, XIP Linux... and more!
  • You also have the freedom to incorporate modern visual or 3D elements into your project. Storyboard supports VG Lite, OpenGL and a host of other rendering technologies, including our award-winning Hybrid Rendering, to ensure your project is able to take advantage of ecosystem updates as they happen. 



See how Storyboard can Enhance your Embedded Development

Top UX-led brands rely on Storyboard

With over 25 years of expertise in embedded GUI development, brands like Zepp Health, John Deere, Coca-Cola and Vorwerk rely on Storyboard to develop  a top UX on any device, with minimal programming effort.

Design . Develop. Deploy

Create engaging embedded GUI applications that are optimized for performance and exceptional user experiences.




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Custom Development Services

You have the vision. We have the team.

No matter what you’re trying to create, we are here to make your job easier. Here's how our team can help.

Our team of embedded GUI development experts, specializing in backend, frontend, and UI design, will work with you one-on-one to tailor a solution around your product vision. From startups to Fortune 500 firms, we’ve worked with companies to ensure across different verticals to bring their vision to life.

We are your trusted partner throughout the entire GUI design and development process - from the spark of the idea to its completion.



GUI Design

Got an idea but need a GUI design company to bring it to life?

Whether you need 2D graphics, 3D graphics, or both, Crank GUI experts will provide you with everything you need to get the design done fast. From wireframes to complete prototypes, you’ll be able to bring your intended customer experience to life.  


Development & Integration

Need a ready-to-use embedded GUI but lack an in-house engineering team? Or, want to optimize your UI application?

We provide end-to-end support, including planning, implementation, and maintenance. Our rigorous testing ensures a high-performance, tailored application, allowing you to focus on your core business.


Prototypes & Demos

Need a prototype for proof of concept for a crucial meeting with key stakeholders? 

Show off a sophisticated, high resolution touch screen prototype that brings your intended customer experience to life.


Testing & Validation

Need to test and ensure bug-free UI for better user experience and higher product adoption?

Let our embedded GUI experts put your application through rigorous testing. Issues will be worked through, and your app will be optimized for performance.

Applications & Industries

Female hand with smartwatch and sport concept.-1


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Smart Home & IoT

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Industrial HMI

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Custom GUI Development


Datasheet | Storyboard


Datasheet | Validator


Whitepaper | Choose the Right Hardware for your Project


Guide | Building a Killer Embedded GUI


Ebook | Improving Efficiency Using a Collaborative Workflow


Video | Getting Started


Sample GUI Downloads



What our Customers say About Us

maro Coffee
With Storyboard it's quite easy to start with no experience in Crank and get things to a working stage. The most important thing when starting development is to have a working prototype quickly because you can always improve from there. For us, achieving this was simple and fast with the Crank’s Storyboard, once we got started, we were able to create the first working prototype of the Model 1 in less than a year.
Robin Kuprat
Managing Partner - Maro Coffee
We’re constantly innovating, and Storyboard lets us tweak the graphics and optimize the animations with great ease, with minimal impact on our product development cycles. In fact, our users often comment on how much they like the touch screen interface and how quick and easy it is to set up.
Michael Holmes
Senior Software Engineer, Ventec Life Systems
The certainties Crank showed about Storyboard-built GUI apps — their small RAM footprint and low power consumption — were important factors in its selection for the Dash.
James Stemper
Director of Program Management, Stages Cycling
“We chose Crank Software and Storyboard because they support all hardware platforms, they're affordable, and their profitability year after year shows they're not going anywhere."
Chief Engineer of Innovation

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